1111 Budapest, Egry J. u. 18. V1/C201 +36 1 463 3417 info@eit.bme.hu
Pál Breuer (b.1950) graduated (M.E.E. & Univ.Dr.) at Technical University of Budapest in electrical engineering and computer science in 1974 and 1978, respectively. He worked as researcher in scientific research institutes (Telecomm. Res. Inst.; Central Res. Inst. for Physics of Nat. Academy of Sci.) for 13 years and dealt with computer science and artificial intelligence, especially with pattern recognition by computer, digital picture processing and signal processing. His research works included biomedical signal processing, especially ECG signals. He had taken place in development the picture processing unit for space capsule “VEGA” (launched in 1984) in order to observe the comet Halley reached the Earth in 1986. This work was carrying out under wide multinational (Soviet-French-Bulgarian) cooperation.
Later he turned to business area on the field of computer software and IT industry. He was head (managing director) and/or top manager of several medium size companies.
Lastly, he worked in the top management of an SME company dedicated for GIS (geogr. info. systems). He was also co-founder of SME’s from other business areas. He has been taking part in the tuition activities of the Small Business Development Center at Corvinus University, Budapest since 2008.
He has been part-time co-worker and associate expert at Healthcare Technologies Knowledge Centre and later at United Innovation Knowledge Centre of Technical University of Budapest for years, and was also international coordinator of a successfully finished AAL JP (Ambient Assisted Living Joint Program) project.
Dr. Breuer is (co)author of over 20 papers in international publications. He was and is member of several scientific, international and ICT societies: MATE (Hung. Society of Automation); NJSzT (John von Neumann Society for Computer Science, Hung.); IEEE (Inst. of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, US); eVITA(National Platform for AAL Systems); IVSz(Hung. Association of IT Companies) /co-founder/; BSA(Business Software Alliance) /past, co-founder/.